قسم الباطنى والجراحى السيرة الذاتية د زينب محمد أحمد

تم النشر بتاريخ: 26/09/2015

Curriculum Vitae
Personal identity:
Name: zeinab Mohamed Ahmed Elbaramony
Nationality: Egyptian.
Place and date of birth: 25-7-1985. Egypt
Marital status: single.
Religion: Moselm
Address:.MetGhamer, Aldakhelia, Egypt.
Job:Assistant Lecturer in Medical –Surgical Nursing at Zagazig University
Mobile number:01279923871
Home numberL:0506961769
Experience years:6 years
Academic Qualifications:
1-Bachelor's Degree from Faculty of Nursing at Zagazig University in 2006.
2- Master Degree in Medical –Surgical Nursing at Zagazig University 2013.
Thesis title:Problems And Needs Encountered Among Breast Cancer Patients Following Mastectomy: Suggested Nursing Guidelines
Training courses, work shops and conferences:
1-وثيقة المعايير والممارسات التطبيقية لمؤسسات التعليم الذاتى-الدراسة الذاتية
2- American Conversation(all3 levels)
3-Instructional material design workshop
4-دورة ثقل عن التحكم فى عدوى المستشفيات المكتسبة فى جميع مجالات التمريض
5-Ethics of research workshop
6-BLS provider course (European Resuscitation Council)
7- العرض الفعال
8- استخدام التكنولوجيا فى التدريس
9-سلوكيات المهنة
10-معايير الجودة فى العملية التدريسية
11-النشر العلمى
12-الجوانب المالية والقانونية فى الاعمال الجامعية
13-Best practices in nursing education
14-Updating skills of scientific research for the faculty members and their assistants 
16-Tofel ITP (Amidst test)
17-Nursing role in crisis management
18-Nursing between reality and ambition
19-Sustainability of environmental development and health promotion ‘’future vision’’
20-Risk management
21-Patient safety: opportunities and challenges
22-Better performance in Medical education
23-10th annual conference of the Egyptian society of hepatology, gastroenterology and infectious diseases in Sharkia
24-better performance in medical education medicine conference
25- الجامعى المدرس اعداد دورة
26-الطلاب وتقويم الامتحانات نظم
27-المعتمده الساعات نظم
28-المختلفه التعليم انماط فى الاتصال مهارات
29-العلمى البحث اخلاقيات
Activities in faculty:
-Member in Continuing education unit in faculty of Nursing at Zagazig Univrsity
- Member in Quality managementin faculty of Nursing at Zagazig Univrsity

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