كيف تحدد معامل الترتيب العلمي للمجلة التي نشر فيها بحثك

تم النشر بتاريخ: 26/09/2015

كيف تحدد معامل الترتيب    العلمي للمجلة التي نشر فيها بحثك

(SJR = Scientific Journal Ranking)



  • SJR : is a new indicator of journals' scientific prestige
  • This indicator shows the visibility of the journals contained in the Scopus® database from 1996
  • It does not only consider the raw number of citations received by a scientific agent, but also the importance or influence of the actors who issue those citations.
  • So it is a function not of just the quantity of citations received but of a combination of the quantity and the quality.


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