منح وبعثات لإجراء أبحاث ما بعد الدكتوراه

تم النشر بتاريخ: 26/09/2015

Call for postdoctoral application 2013

The university Lumière Lyon 2 (ULL2) launched this call in order to offer its laboratories the possibility to recruit young foreign postdocs of high scientific value.
In order to be eligible to this program, you have to have obtained your PhD degree between January 1st 2010 and March 14th 2013.
Your research project has to be in one of the following fields :

·        Anthropology 
·        Archeology
·        Communication
·        Law
·        Economy
·        Geography
·        Management
·        History
·        Computer science
·        Foreign language
·        Linguistic / language
·        Literature
·        Computer-Integrated Manufacturing
·        Psychology
·        Educational Sciences
·        Political Science
·        Sociology

Deadline : March 15th 2013
For all inquiries on research opportunities in France, kindly visit the website of the French Institute in Egypte: http://www.institutfrancais-egypte.com/




Service de la coopération scientifique et technologique
Ambassade de France en République Arabe d'Egypte


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