English Language.
Faculty of physical
Education For Girls
Total Mark : (60) Marks
No. Question : (4).
Answer all the following questions:
Q1.Read the following passage and answer the questions:-(16 Marks):-
Judo (meaning "gentle way") is a modern martial art, combat and Olympic sport created in Japan in 1882 by Jigoro Kano. Its most prominent feature is its competitive element, where the objective is to either throw or takedown an opponent to the ground, immobilize or otherwise subdue an opponent with a pin, or force an opponent to submit with a joint lock or a choke. Strikes and thrusts by hands and feet as well as weapons defenses are a part of judo, but only in pre-arranged forms (kata, and are not allowed in judo competition or free practice (randori, A judo practitioner is called a judoka. The philosophy and subsequent pedagogy developed for judo became the model for other modern Japanese martial arts that developed from koryū, traditional schools). The worldwide spread of judo has led to the development of a number of offshoots such as Sambo and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Judo was introduced into the Olympic Games in 1964 and is practiced by millions of people throughout the world today. People practice Judo to excel in competition, to stay in shape, to develop self-confidence, and for many other reasons. But most of all, people do Judo just for the fun of it.
Answer the following questions:
1- What is judo?
2-What is the object of judo?
3- In what kind of judo the opponent can use weapons and in what kind not?
4- When judo was introduced into the Olympic Games and why people practice judo?
Q2 Answer the following questions :-( 6 Marks):-
1-What is karate?
2- What are the skills of swimming?
Q3.Grammar and structure :-( 20 Marks):-
Re-arrange the following words to make a meaningful sentence:
every – Olympic – are – games – four –held –years.
Give the nouns of the following verbs: (vary - succeed).
(Use "both…and")
We like the red color .we like the green color.
I saw two (wolf) in the field.
*باقي الاسئلة بالخلف*
Could you give me (few – little) help?
(some – any) (Complete)
My sister didn't have ……. money, so she had to borrow…….. .
(Use" used to" )
Now there's only one shop in the village but there ……… three.
My job is very easy (nobody-anybody) could do it.
(Use no)
My sister hasn’t any blue dresses.
(much – many) (Complete)
He didn’t sell very….books. That’s why he never made…...money.
Q4.Translate into English :-( 18 Marks):-
- الرياضة تقوي الجسم فتتأخر علامات الشيخوخة ويمتد الشباب وتزيد النشاط كما أنها تقلل التعب والإجهاد، كما أن الرياضة تحارب الأرق وتمنحك نوم عميق ومريح، أمّا للعقل فالرياضة تقوي الذاكرة وترفع كفاءة الدماغ.
- ممارسة الرياضة للنساء تحدّ من الإصابة بالكثير من الأمراض المختلفة، مثل السرطان والسكّري، وأمراض القلب والضغط؛ حيث يحتاج الجسم إلى الحركة وذلك لتنشيط الدورة الدمويّة باستمرار، وزيادة اللياقة البدنيّة لدى النساء، ممّا ينعكس إيجاباً على الصحة بشكل عام.
- تساعد الرياضه علي زيادة القُدرات الذهنيّة والعقليّة من خلال تنشيط الدورة الدمويّة في الجسد ككلّ وفي الأعضاء جميعها وخُصوصاً زيادة ضخ الدماء نحو المخّ الذي هوَ محور العقل والتركيز، فمن الثابت أنَّ مُمارسة الرياضة تقوم بزيادة القُدرة على التركيز والاستيعاب وتنشيط الخلايا الدماغيّة وتحسين مُستوى الإدراك.
ترجمي الكلمات الآتية الى الانجليزية:-
أنسجة الجسم - ضمور العضلات - قوة القبضة - الارتداد - عظام الوجه – الكفاءة البدنية .
Translate into Arabic:-
- Tae kwon do is characterized by the extensive use of high standing and jump kicks as well as punches and is practiced for sport, self-defense, and spiritual development. Training in tae kwon do is carried out by learning individual techniques of kicking, punching, and blocking, which are practiced in combined series of techniques in traditional sets known as hyung.
-Sports and games are means of mental and physical growth. During sports we come to learn many things. We learn how to maintain mental balance in the midst of hopes and despair. They make us learn how to tackle the difficult situation. Sports develop a sense of friendliness. They develop in us team spirit. They help in developing mental and physical toughness.
-The rules of swimming are few. The body must lie as near the surface and the head as low, as possible. The knees should be kept wide a part. You must push yourself in a steady continues motion. You push your hands to word your feet to move forward. There are various types of swimming; there are butterfly swimming, breast swimming, back swimming and free style swimming.
Best wishes
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