توصيف مقرر مادة الباثولوجى لدرجة الماجستير

تم النشر بتاريخ: 26/09/2015


نموذج (12)
جامعة/  الزقازيق
كلية/    التمريض
قسم/    التمريض الباطنى و الجراحى
   توصيف مقرر مادة الباثولوجى لدرجة الماجستير
1. بيانات المقرر
الرمز الكودى
اسم المقرر:
الفرقة/ المستوى:
Master Degree- 2nd semester
عدد الوحدات الدراسية: نظرى - عملى
2. هدف المقرر
Overall aims of course
1)         To list and outline the causes and basic mechanisms of disease.
2)         To identify and explain organ based alterations in structure and function associated with disease.
3)       To develop skills of observation, interpretation and integration needed to analyze human 
4)      To point out the most likely diagnosis and differential diagnosis when provided with the anatomical lesions, and the laboratory data of a patient.
3. المستهدف من تدريس المقرر
Intended Learning Outcomes of Course (ILOS)
أ. المعلومات و المفاهيم
A1.Discuss altered structure and function of the body and its major
systems that are seen in various diseases.
A2.Recognize the etiology of common and life threatening illnesses affecting the body.
A3.Discuss the pathogenesis of various diseases affecting the body throughout the age spectrum.
A4.Define the clinical features and complications of different illnesses.
A5.Identify the basic process of general pathological changes of separate body system (systemic pathology).
A6.List and recognize the methods of diagnosis of the disease.
A7. Recall principles of invasive intervention (fine needle aspiration
 cytology) of common and life threatening illnesses.
 A8.Describe the principles of early detection of common health problems.
ب. المهارات الذهنية
B1.Integrate pathology science with clinical care.
B2. Seek information independently
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ج. المهارات المهنية الخاصة بالمقرر
C1.Demonstrate basic sciences practical skills relevant to future practice as primary health care providers through:
                  C1a.Describe the pathological specimens at the macroscopic level.
            C1b..Identify the microscopic picture of paraffin sections stained by haematoxylin   and eosin (H&E) from the diseased tissues by both low and high microscopic powers.
C1c..Express the proper way to handle the cytological and pathological specimen.
   C2.Record patients' data (request/ report) clearly and appropriately.
د. المهارات العامة
D.1. Use electronic means to get and manage information.
D2.    Present information clearly in written, electronic and oral forms.
D3.    Communicate ideas and arguments effectively.
D4.    Work effectively within a team. CS.1: Communicate clearly, sensitively and effectively with their colleagues, supervisors and lab technicians.
D5. Match to traits of collegiality, flexibility, adaptability, reliability, punctuality and responsibility with colleagues and team members.
D6: Communicate effectively and respectfully with colleagues and pathology lab. members.
D7:     Respect patients and their relatives, superiors, colleagues and any other member of the health profession.  
4. محتوى المقرر
I- General Pathology
1.       Introduction
2.       Cellular Injury and Adaptation
3.       Inflammation
4.       Tissue renewal & repair
5.       Hemodynamic disorders (Edema/Congestion/Infarction, Hemeostasis/Thrombosis, Shock)
6.       Immunopathology
7.       Infectious diseases
8.       Disturbance of growth
9.       Neoplasia: Nomenclature/Benign/Malignant, Clinical Aspects, Biology of Tumor Growth Metastases, Carcinogenesis: Chemical Radiation, Viral Carcinogenesis, Oncogenes Host Defense
10.   Environmental & nutritional diseases
5. اساليب التعليم و التعلم
▪ Lectures
▪ Group discussion
▪ Self directed learning
7. تقويم الطلاب
أ. الاساليب المستخدمة
Writing exam
Oral exam
ب. التوقيت
At the end of the semester &throughout the course
ج. توزيع الدرجات
Final term examination                60 marks      
Oral examination                          40 marks                          
Total                                             100 marks    
8. قائمة الكتب الدراسية و المراجع
أ. الكتاب
ب. ملزمات
Pathology department book including:
1. Fundamental of pathology(general pathology), pathology department book.staff member of pathology department, Assaf M.(ed.), 2012.
ج. كتب مقترحة
Robbins'pathological bases of disease, 9th ed. Robbins and Cotran (eds). Lippicott Ravin, Philadelphia.2012.
د. دوريات علمية او نشرات
 New England Journal of Medicine
 Internal Medicine Journal
Heart Association Journal
Chest Journal
      استاذ المادة                                                                       رئيس مجلس القسم
   أ.د/ ماجدة العساف                                                                 أ.د/ ماجدة العساف

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