توصيف مقرر دراسي لدرجه الدكتوراه

تم النشر بتاريخ: 26/09/2015


نموذج (12)
جامعة / الزقازيق
كلية / التمريض
قسم /DepartmentNursing Administration
توصيف مقرر دراسي لدرجه الدكتوراه
1- بيانات المقرر
الرمز الكودي:
اسم المقرر:
 Nursing administration  seminar in the area of general        
الفرقة / دكتوراه
 المستوي:فصل دراسي ثاني                
عدد الوحدات الدراسية: نظري 30 h    عملي 90 h
2- هدف المقرر:
To prepare the graduate to apply head nurses role in different organizational service or educational such as patient safety, personnel performance appraisal and empowering her staff to initiate their commitment to their organization.  
3- المستهدف من تدريس المقرر :
Intended Learning Outcomes of Course (ILOs)
By the end of the course the student should be able to:
أ- المعلومات والمفاهيم:
A1. Identify patient classification system
A2. Discuses performance appraisal system
A3. Discuss dimension of empowerment
A4. Explain strategies of empowerment
A5.  determine Characteristics of good evaluation tools
A6.  Identify process of strategic management
A7. Identify requirements for empowerment
o       A8. Determine strategic leadership
A9.  Discuss strategic management process
A10. Explain  Characteristics of good Negotiation
A11. Identify Tips for improving negotiation skills
A12. Discuss roles of school leaders
A13. Explain dimension of organizational commitment
A14. Identify role of manger in building commitment
ب- المهارات الذهنية:
B1. Analyze common error that could be found in performance appraisal
B2. Compare between Advantages and disadvantages of      Patient classification system.
B3. Differentiate between different levels of Organizational Culture.
B4. Distinguish among differenttypes of empowerment.     
B5. Discriminate among different types of decision making.
B6. Distinguish among different Types of patient classification systems.
B7. Differentiate between climate ad cultures.
ج- المهارات المهنية الخاصة بالمقرر:
C1. Apply empowerment strategy in clinical area
C2. Demonstrate professional roles of nurse manger in achieving commitment.
C3.Apply Principles of performance appraisal in clinical situation.
C4. Apply safety measures in clinical situation.
د- المهارات العامة:
D1. Develop self learning skills.
D2. Communicate the different guideline for appraisal interview to the head nurses in the clinical areas.
D3. Using Dynamic of empowermentin empowering nursing staff.
D4. illustrate how to Improve  Strategic Decision Making
D5. Use Principles of negotiation in managing staff problems       
D6.  use Methods of performance appraisal in appraising their staff
D7. Participate in program to enhance professional carer.
D8. Use critical thinking and problem solving skills in solving patent problem.
D9. promote patients and staff safety climate  
4- محتوي المقرر:
Part I: 1. Patient classification system             
Part II: 2. Performance appraisal
Part III: 3. Strategic management
Part IV: 4. School culture
Part V: 5. Organizational culture المحتوي لا يغطي عدد الساعات
Part VI : 6.  Empowerment
Part VII : 7. Patient safety
Part VIII: 8. Nurses commitment
Part VIIII: 9. Negotiation
5- اساليب التعليم والتعلم:
·        Group discussion
·        clinical conference
·        Seminar  
·        Problem based learning
6- اساليب التعليم لذوي القدرا ت المحدودة
Not applicable
7- تقويم الطلاب :
أ‌.   الاساليب المستخدمة
·        Final Clinical evaluation   to assess Practical skills.
·        Final Oral examination    to assess Intellectual & general transferable skills.
·        Final Written examination   to assess Knowledge and understanding skills.
·        Report and document presentation.
·        Written report
ب- التوقيت
·        Assessment 2 Clinical evaluation 14th  week
·        Assessment 3 Oral test                 15th week
·        Assessment 4 Final written examination  at the end of the course.
ج- توزيع الدرجات
      Report and document presentation       20%
Final Written Examination                     60%
Oral Examination                                   20 %
_ ________        ____                          ______
    Total                                   100%
8- قائمة الكتب الدراسية والمراجع:
أ. مذكرات
 Hand out prepared by nursing administration department.
ب- كتب ملزمة
Management and Administration books in the library
ج- كتب مقترحة
Irwin, M., (2010).Human relation in organizationsApplications and skill building. Ch.13. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Retrieved in DEC 22, 2010
Jones, R.A.B. (2007). Nursing leadership and management theories processes and practices. (1sted.). Ch.10. U.S.A:F.A. Davis Company. Pp. 152-153 &157
*Marquis B. L and Huston C.J (2009): Nursing management and leadership, (6th ed.) chi. 17 Lippincott Williams & welkins.
Tomey, A.M. (2009) : Gide to nursing management and leadership. (8th ed.) Ch 13. Mosby.
*Sperry L.(2oo2)Effective Leadership: strategies for maximizing executiveproductivity and health. Brunner .Rutledge. New York.
Yoder-Wise , P.S. (2003) Leader and managing in nursing (4th ed. ) ch. 13 Texas :Mosby. 
د-- دوريات علمية او نشرات..........
 * Nursing Services Administration Journal
* JonA Journals.
استاذ المادة:                                           رئيس مجلس القسم العلمي

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