توصيف مقرر ندوات في مجال التخصص الدقيق

تم النشر بتاريخ: 26/09/2015


نموذج (12)
جامعة / الزقازيق
كلية / التمريض
قسم / ادارة التمريض
توصيف مقرر ندوات في مجال التخصص الدقيق
1- بيانات المقرر
الرمز الكودي:
أ ندوات في مجال التخصص الدقيق
اسم المقرر:
Nursing administration seminar in the area of specific specialty
الفرقة / المستوى : :دكتوراه
الفصل الدراسي الثاني
عدد الوحدات الدراسية: نظري 96   ساعة          عملي:......
2- هدف المقرر:
The course equips the postgraduate students with essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to enhance their academic staff role to be able to develop curriculum, write educational objectives and use different techniques of evaluation and components of assertiveness in educational settings.
3- المستهدف من تدريس المقرر :
Intended Learning Outcomes of Course (ILOs)
By the end of the course the student should be able to:
أ- المعلومات والمفاهيم:
A1- Define role theory, head nurse, evaluation, educational evaluation, assertiveness, collaboration
A2- List purpose of curriculum development.
A3-Identify aim of school curriculum
A4- List  benefits of assertiveness.
A5-State qualities that desired in a head nurse
A6- -Identify purposes of evaluation
A7-.Identify roles of  nursing supervisor and director
A8--Enumerate types of objectives
A9-Tell principles of evaluation
A10-List importance of collaboration
ب- المهارات الذهنية:
B1-Differntiate between different types of roles.
B2-Distinguish between nursing supervisor and director
B3-Compare between educational and learning objectives
B4- Explain role of the head nurse.
B5-Explain role of the school director
B6- Differentiate between teaching and learning.
B7- Discuss the phases of curriculum process.
B8-Explain factors influencing curriculum development in nursing education
B9-Describe method of evaluation
B10-Compare between different types of assertion
B11-Explain types of collaboration
ج- المهارات المهنية الخاصة بالمقرر:
C1- Writing educational objectives
C2- Apply different technique of evaluation  in clinical situation.
C3- Implement verbal and nonverbal components of assertiveness in clinical situation
د- المهارات العامة:
D1- Works effectively with a team..
D2- Manages effectively time
D3- Applies communication skills in inter-professional,
social and therapeutic context.
D4-Uses of different sources for obtaining knowledge
4- محتوي المقرر:
Unite (I): Role concept, role theory and role of supervisor
Unite (II): Role of head  nurse
Unite (III): Role of school director
Unite (IV): Curriculum development
Unite(V):Educational objective
Unite(VI): Educational evaluation
Unite(VII): Assertiveness
Unite(VIII): Collaboration between services and education
5- أساليب التعليم والتعلم:
Group discussion
Case study
6- أساليب التعليم لذوي القدرات المحدودة
Not applicable
Student Assessment Methods:   7- تقويم الطلاب                                        
أ‌.    الأساليب المستخدمة
1. Final Written exam.
2. Oral exam.
3. Written Presentation
ب- التوقيت
First Assessment: Written presentation: during the course. 
Second assessment: final written and oral exam: at the end of the course. 
ج- توزيع الدرجات
Final-written Examination                60%         
Oral Examination.                              20%
Presentation                                        20%         
Total                                                 100%
8- قائمة الكتب الدراسية والمراجع: List of references
أ. مذكرات
ب- كتب ملزمة
Nursing Management and Administration books in the library
ج- كتب مقترحة
Bastable,S.(2008).Nurse a educators principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice.
Lawson,J.(2011).Improving assertive behavior. Available from. www.livestong.com/articles/improving
Prader, J.(2011).Head nurse duties and responsibilities. Available at .www.ehow.com
Schutte, K (2011) organizational change and stress management.14th ed ch (18). United states . pearson education.
1-        Tomey, A. M.,2009. Guide to Nursing Management and Leadership. Canada, Mosby.
2-        Clark, C.C., 2009. Creative Nursing Leadership and Management. London: Jones and Bartlett Publishers:
د–دوريات علمية او نشرات...........
Journal of Nursing Administration
Journal of Nursing Management.
أستاذ المادة:                                           رئيس مجلس القسم العلمي:

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