Date: 23-5-2018.
Zagazig University.
First year.
Faculty of physical
English Language.
Education For Girls.
Time: 2 hrs.
Total Mark : (60) Marks.
Second term.
No. Question : (2).
نموذج ( أ )
اسم الطالبة:- ............................................... رقم الجلوس:-......................
Answer all the following questions:-
Q1.Shadow completely the circle (√) if the answer is right and Shadow completely the circle(×) if the answer is wrong ( 10 Marks):-
- The adjective of the verb relax is relaxation. ( x )
- An athletic man forgets himself in his loyalty to his team.( √ )
- The translation of the word (اكتساب المهارة ) is skill acquasition . ( x )
- Sportsmanship is one of the most important rules of exercise.( √ )
- Sports has a negative impact on women's health.( x )
- Sports help to prevent from cardiovascular diseases.( √ )
- The noun of the verb persuade is persuasive.( x )
- The translation of the word ( انقباض العضلات ) is muscular contraction.( √ )
- The translation of the word ( استعداد عضلي ) is muscular aptitade.( x )
- Hyung is combined series of techniques in traditional sets in karate.( x )
- The sound mind in the sound body.( √ )
- Sport is a reason for overweight.( x )
- Children should practice sport at a young age.( √ )
- Sport is a cause of some important diseases such as obesity, diabetes and Osteoporosis.( x )
- Sports mean intolerance. ( x )
- Students can practice basic sparring in taekwondo.( √ )
- Striking surfaces in karate include the hands (particularly the knuckles and the outer edge), ball of the foot, heel, forearm, knee, and elbow. ( √ )
- The goal of basketball is to score a basket by throwing the ball into the team’s own basket while preventing the opposing team from scoring. ( √ )
- Bobbing is from the skills of swimming. ( √ )
- Hockey is played by two teams of 11 players each (five forwards, three half backs, two full backs, and a goal keeper). ( √ )
- The translation of the word (ضمور العضلات) is muscular atriphy. ( x )
- Playing sports teach a person to accept both successes and failures in a positive spirit.( √ )
- The translation of the word ( كفاءه بدنيه ) is physical proficaincy.( x )
- Practicing sports lead to bones pains and muscles problems.( x )
- Taekwondo is characterized by the use of high standing and jump kicks as well as punches.( √ )
- Kicking is an important factor in swimming than any other sport. ( x )
- The translation of the word ( قوة دافعه ) is motivation force.( √ )
- The ball of basketball must enter from above of the hoop. ( √ )
- Kata is a form of taekwondo. ( x )
- Dr. James Naismith is the inventor of basketball. ( √ )
- Taekwondo is a Japanese art of kicking and punching.( x )
- The net of modern basketball is with bottom.( x )
- A heart patient should practice violent sport.( x )
- The skills of basketball include: dribbling, passing, floating, and rebounding.( x )
- Sports create virtues as courage, discipline, obedience, unselfishness for our team.( √ )
- The stick of hockey is made of metal. ( x )
- Swimming needs a specific manner of moving arms and body forward with the water.( x )
- Sports and games have a bad effects on our bodies.( x )
- In sparring kumite , blows and kicks are stopped long. ( x )
- Sports lead to delay signs of aging.( √ )
Q2.Shadow completely the correct circle:- ( 50 Marks)
Shadow completely the correct circle:-( 30 Marks)
- It was a public holiday, so there were ………shops open.
a-any b- no c- none.
- We travelled to Cairo but…… of my friends came with us.
a-none b-any c- no.
- Rice and cotton ……in Egypt .
a-drink b-grow c- hear.
- The shop closes …....midnight.
a-at b-on c-in.
- I didn't get …….sleep last night.
a-many b-much c-with.
- He left the house……… a hurry.
a-for b-in c-at.
- Ahmed left …….saying goodbye.
a-while b-when c- without.
<>8.a-at b-before c-in.
<>9.a-ago b-since c-for.
- He is trying ………speak English.
a-in b- to c-of.
- My bag is made of …… .
a-steel b-iron c-leather.
- The ……..is an excellent means of transport.
a-bicycle b-pen c-bag.
- What …….your favorite game?
a-in b-about c-on.
- He kept silent …………..the meal.
a-up b-down c-during.
- Where are you ……….?
a-at b-in c-from.
- Did you read the ………book?
a-all b-whole c-every.
- Do you work…... Mondays?
a-on b-in c-at .
- In Egypt most of the shops ………. At 9 p.m.
- She is ……….. in a bank.
a-doctor b-teacher c-accountant.
- It rains in ……… .
a-summer b-January c-August
- His father worked …….a journalist.
a-as b-for c-of.
- They greeted us……..a broad smile.
a-up b-with c-for.
- I went to the cinema instead ………doing my homework.
a-on b- in c-of.
- The football match……. At 6 o'clock.
a-likes b-believes c-starts.
- My father ………..tomorrow.
a-is coming b- came c- was coming.
- This math problem is difficulty….…can solve it.
a-everybody b-nobody c-anybody.
- ……..of my friends visited me in the hospital.
a-All b-Whole c-Every.
- ….….body looks tired today.
a-all b-every c-whole.
- We saw ….….animals at the zoo.
a-much b- many c- any.
- My grandfather could………three languages.
a-taste b-see c-speak.
- Have you seen…….. good films recently?
a-some b- much c-any.
- I have seen …..…nice postcards in this souvenir shop.
a-any b- some c- or.
33.The translation of الرياضة تحافظ على رشاقة الجسد) ) is:-
a-sports keep the agility of the body.
b- sports keep the flexibility of the body.
c- sports keep the ductility of the body.
34.The translation of (تساعد الرياضه علي زيادة القُدرات الذهنيّة) is:-
a- Sports help to increase mental abilities.
b- Sports help to increase Physical abilities.
c- Sports help to increase physiological abilities.
35.The translation of (الرياضة تقوي جهاز المناعة) is:-
a-Sports strengthen the digestive system.
b-Sports strengthen the immune system.
c-Sports strengthen the circulatory system.
36.The translation of (من فوائد الرياضة أنها تقوي عضلات الظهر) is:-
a-One of the benefits of sport is that it strengthens upper muscles.
b-One of the benefits of sport is that it strengthens front muscles.
c-One of the benefits of sport is that it strengthens back muscles.
37.The translation of (اللياقة البدنية تزيد من سعة الرئتين ) is :-
a-Physical Fitness increases the capacity of the lungs.
b- Physical Fitness increases the capacity of the muscles.
c-Physical Fitness increases the capacity of the kidneys.
38.The translation of (التمارين البدنية تساعد في تقوية المفاصل ) is:-
a-Physical exercises help in strengthen bones.
b-Physical exercises help in strengthen joints.
c-Physical exercises help in strengthen cells.
39.The translation of( الرّياضة تخلص من امراض الشرايين والاورده) is:-
a- Sports get rid of diseases of the arteries and cells.
b- Sports get rid of diseases of the arteries and veins.
c-Sports get rid of diseases of the arteries and tissues.
40.The translation of (الرياضة تقي من الانزلاق الغضروفي) is:-
a-Sport protects against cartilage injury.
b-Sport protects against cartilage strain.
c-Sport protects against cartilage slide.
41.The translation of (من فوائد الرياضة أنّها تُحافظ على صحةالأوعية الدموية ) is:-
a- The benefits of sports are that they maintain carpal health.
b- The benefits of sports are that they maintain cardio respiratory health.
c- The benefits of sports are that they maintain cardiovascular health.
42.The translation of (the objective of judo is to throw an
opponent to the ground.) is:-
الهدف من الجودو هو رمي الخصم على الأرض . -a
الهدف من الجودو هو رمي اللاعب على الأرض.- b
الهدف من الجودو هو رمي المقاتل على الأرض.- c
43.The translation of (Basketball is a team sport. It is played by two teams of 5 players.) is:-
كرة السلة لعبة فردية . تلعب بفريقين بواسطة 5 لاعبين.-a
-كرة السلة لعبة جماعية . تلعب بفريقين بواسطة 5 لاعبين.b
كرة السلة لعبة مزدوجة . تلعب بفريقين بواسطة 5 لاعبين.-c
44.The translation of(There are various types of swimming; there are butterfly swimming, breast swimming, back swimming and free style swimming.) is:-
a-هناك أنواع مختلفة من السباحة. هناك سباحة فراشة، سباحة الظهر، سباحة الصدر والسباحة الحرة.
b--هناك أنواع مختلفة من السباحة. هناك سباحة فراشة، سباحة الصدر، سباحة الظهر والسباحة الحرة.
c-هناك أنواع مختلفة من السباحة. هناك سباحة الظهر، سباحة الصدر، سباحة الفراشة والسباحة الحرة.
45.The translation of( the basic skills of hockey include, dribbling, passing, dodging and tackling.)is:-
المهارات الأساسية للهوكي تشمل، المراوغة، التمرير، والتهرب والتصدي.-a
المهارات الأساسية للهوكي تشمل، المراوغة، التمرير، والخطف والتصدي.-b
c-المهارات الأساسية للهوكي تشمل، المراوغة، الرمي، والخطف والتصدي.
46.The translation of(Ballet dancers seem to ignore the law of gravity.)is:-
يبدو أن راقصين الباليه يتجاهلون قانون المرونة.-a
يبدو أن راقصين الباليه يتجاهلون قانون الجاذبية.-b
c-يبدو أن راقصين الباليه يتجاهلون قانون اللياقة.
47.The translation of(Training in tae kwon do is carried out by learning individual techniques of kicking, punching, and blocking.) is:-
-التدريب في التايكوندو يتم عن طريق تعلم تقنيات فردية من الركل واللكم والعرقلة.a
-bالتدريب في التايكوندو يتم عن طريق تعلم تقنيات فردية من الركل والخنق والعرقلة
-cالتدريب في التايكوندو يتم عن طريق تعلم تقنيات فردية من الرمي والخنق والعرقلة.
48..he translation of (there are skills of swimming they are breathing, Floating, Kicking, bobbing.) is:-
-هناك مهارات للسباحة وهي التنفس , الغوص ,الركل و التمايل.a
-هناك مهارات للسباحة وهي التنفس , الطفو ,الركل و التمايل.b
c-هناك مهارات للسباحة وهي التنفس , العوم ,الركل و التمايل.
49.The translation of(Karate employing kicking, striking, and defensive blocking with arms and legs.) is:-
الكارتية يستخدم الرمي ,الضرب والعرقلة الدفاعية بالاذرع والارجل.-a
- الكارتية يستخدم الركل ,الضرب والعرقلة الدفاعية بالاذرع والارجل.b
. - الكارتية يستخدم الركل ,الخنق والعرقلة الدفاعية بالاذرع والارجلc
50.The translation of (Then games, like hockey and football, give a man pluck and courage.) is:-
الالعاب مثل الهوكي وكرة القدم تعطي الرجل المثابرة والشجاعة.-a
- الالعاب مثل الهوكي وكرة القدم تعطي الرجل الاصرار والشجاعة.b
- الالعاب مثل الهوكي وكرة القدم تعطي الرجل العزم والشجاعة. c
Best wishes
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