2- هدف المقرر:
Apply the nursing process to satisfy the patient's needs.
3- المستهدف من تدريس المقرر :
1) Intended learning outcomes of course (ILOs)
By the end of the course the student will be able to:
أ- المعلومات والمفاهيم:
A1- Identify the basic nursing skills
A2- Recognize the infection control (Asepsis & wound care).
A3- Identify basic human needs
A4- Recognize medical terminology.
A5-Differntiate between records and reports.
A6-Differentiate between health, illness, and wellness.
ب- المهارات الذهنية:
B1- Use nursing ethics in dealing with patients.
B2-Synthesis data from nursing theories to assist in patient care.
B3- Use coping skills in dealing with stress.
ج- المهارات المهنية الخاصة بالمقرر:
C1- Perform basic physical assessment.
C2- Implement nursing records and reports.
C3- Conduct appropriate nutrition to the patient.
C4- Apply principles of nursing theories.
C5- Conduct special nursing care for immobilization.
د- المهارات العامة:
d1- Use appropriate inter personal communication skills.
d2- Use of new technological tools (computer) in recordin
4- محتوي المقرر:
1. Medical terminology
2. Introduction to nursing
3. Ethics
4. Basic human needs
5. Infection control
6. Immobilization
7. Communication
8. Nutrition
9. Health welfare, willness, and illness
10.Stress & Coping
11.Recording & reporting
12.Nursing theories
5- اساليب التعليم والتعلم:
1- Interactive presentation (lectures with discussion).
2- Discussions.
3- Demonstrations.
4- Individual and group exercises.
5- Audio visual aids.
6- Posters-films- charts-overhead projector.
7- Clinical simulation.
6- اساليب التعليم لذوي القدرا ت المحدودة
Student assessment methods: 7- تقويم الطلاب :
أ. الاساليب المستخدمة
1- Writing and oral exam to assess knowledge understanding and cognitive skills.
2- Direct observation and check list to assess professional skills
ب- التوقيت
Written exam every 3 weeks.
Practical exam every 3 weeks
ج- توزيع الدرجات
Mid-term examination
Final term exam
Oral examination
15 %
Practical examination
8- قائمة الكتب الدراسية والمراجع:
أ. مذكرات
ب- كتب ملزمة
Barbara Kozier Mn & Berman, A.S. (2004): fundamentals of nursing concepts, process and practice, (7thed) the united states of America by pearson education, new jersey.
Suzanne C.S., Rw & Brenda G. Bare, (2004): Medical surgical nursing (10th ed). Awolters kluwer company new yourk. London.
ج- كتب مقترحة
د-- دوريات علمية او نشرات...........
W.W.W.medscape. com.
W.W.W.nursing center. Com
W.W.W.nursing research. Com.